Learn How We Generate Over $50,000 A Month Through Vending Machines.
It all starts with the LOCATION.
In this course you will learn how to become your own vending locator. How to identify, qualify and close potential vending location. Skip the part where you randomly call or stop by businesses hoping they talk to you. Use our proven plan of attack to get the results faster.
Also covered in this program is how to purchase an existing vending location from another vendor. What questions to ask and what to look out for to make sure its a good deal and not a scam!
Downloads / PDFs Included
Monthly Income Calculator- Plug in the desired profit you want to make and instantly see how large you need to get.
50/30/20 Sales Breakdown- Simple formula to see how you should allocate your vending machine cash.
Promotional Worksheet - Sample promotions to run when visiting potential accounts.
Sales/ Objection Worksheet- What to say and when to say when soliciting new accounts.
Tracking Worksheet- Pre-made form to keep track of all new account leads.
Service Agreement - One page agreement to use when you land a new location.
Sales Proposal - 3 page proposal that details your vending services.
Location Buying Checklist - List of 16 questions you must ask before purchasing a vending location.
Buyer/ Seller Contract - Sales agreement to protect buyer and seller when purchasing locations and machines.
Why Pay Vending Locators Hundreds Of Dollars
This video series walks you through the exact steps we use to land profitable vending accounts. Also, we go over what to look for and ask when buying a vending location/account from someone.
Course Curriculum
- Intro: Sales, Marketing, Mindset (2:46)
- Sales, Marketing, Mindset (continued) (1:11)
- Your Sales Kit (2:54)
- Your Sales Kit (continued) (0:40)
- A Token of Gratitude (1:07)
- Solicitation (1:29)
- Solicitation (continued) and the GateKeeper's Secret (5:12)
- Following Up (0:48)
- Maintaining a Crispy Pipeline (0:56)
- Should You Pay Commissions? (1:43)
- Dealing With Objection: We're Under Contract (1:29)
- The Sample Pitch (2:34)
- Bonus: Online Leads (1:10)
- Closing the Deal! (2:31)
- New Lecture
Hi, I'm Adam Hill
I started Hill Vending in Tampa Bay, Florida in 2014 with the intent of freeing myself from the 9-5 grind. I wanted to take control of my financial destiny and be in the driver seat of the income I earned.
Hill Vending started as a one man operation. It has grown into a thriving, successful family business with multiple employees.
Looking back on the past 8 years, its been a wild journey for sure. I started with a little bit of knowledge about the vending business, learned how to repair machines, move machines, and expanded to more locations. Today we have a goal of $750,000 in annual gross sales all from one box truck!
I now want to share with others the strategies we have used to grow our business so that they can experience the level of freedom and income they want.